How to Lose Weight Without Losing Muscles

Selena Richard
7 min readJan 19, 2020


If you want to lose fat and build muscles, follow this diet

Many times diets are related to starvation. But it should not always be that way. For example, this nutritional plan shows that it is possible to have a healthy diet without having to hear stomach moans. “The most important thing is to adapt the amounts of each food according to the weight, height, muscle mass and physical activity that each one carries out. But, eye, this does not mean that you have to go hungry at any time” , explains the nutritionist Álvaro Sánchez.

The goal of this diet, prepared by Sánchez at the Medicadiet clinic , is to strengthen the muscles and lose the excess fat. It’s about maintaining a fibrous body, without the uncomfortable feeling of constantly having an empty stomach. The trick to make it bearable is in the methodology of the exchange on which it is based. This modality gives freedom when choosing food, as long as they belong to the same nutritional group.

The energy value of this regimen is 3,000 calories per day, of which 58% are carbohydrates, 26% fat and 16% protein. It should be remembered that for a diet to be effective it must be customized according to the physical characteristics of each individual. “A basic rule is to ingest 0.8 grams of protein daily for every kilo of weight, but this is indicative. For example, a person of about 70 kg who performs sports regularly (three or four days per week) should take 1, 5 grams of protein for every kilo of weight, “says Sánchez. “The ideal before starting any regimen is to go to a nutritionist who values ​​the specific needs of the person who wants to go on a diet,” he emphasizes.

Álvaro Sánchez gives the guidelines to adapt the nutritional plan that he has prepared based on the physical characteristics and the exercise that each one practices. “Before exercising you have to take carbohydrates and proteins, because they provide the energy required by the activity that is going to be developed. And you have to avoid taking fat, because they make digestion difficult and can cause discomfort during training,” he says.

With this in mind, playing with the order of the meals you propose is simple. If you are going to exercise at night, you should take more carbohydrates and protein at dinner time than at mealtime. If, on the contrary, exercise is done early in the day, you have to have breakfast earlier, even if it is a banana or a coffee with honey, to prevent hypoglycemia ( decrease in the amount of glucose in the blood that can cause dizziness, tiredness and headache, among other symptoms ).

The nutritional plan is scheduled for a week, but the idea is that it becomes a daily routine. “It’s about learning to eat and incorporating these habits into our day-to-day lives and not only at specific times when we want to follow a certain diet,” says Sánchez.

It is also important to know that during the 30 minutes after training the recovery of muscle expenditure occurs, whose technical name is ‘metabolic window’. This means that all the nutrients ingested during this period of time pass directly to the muscle mass. “That is why after exercising it is necessary to take a good amount of carbohydrates [cereals or fruit], so that they help the muscle to recover from the wear and tear of exercise.” In addition, drinking enough water is also essential. “After exercising it is necessary to recover all the fluid that the body has lost. It is advisable to drink between two or three liters a day, depending on the intensity of the training,” says the nutritionist.


Nutritionist Álvaro Sánchez has developed an example of a week-long menu whose objective is to strengthen muscles and avoid gaining fat. The idea is that this program be incorporated as a routine. Obviously, with space to break it promptly


Breakfast. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 8 tablespoons of oatmeal + a handful of nuts + 8–9 strawberries.

Midmorning. 1 skimmed yogurt + a small piece of whole wheat bread + 2 slices of turkey + 1 apple.

Food. 40g (raw) of legumes + a slice of salmon + 2 tablespoons of olive oil + 1 piece of fruit.

Snack. 30g of burgos cheese + 1 tablespoon of honey + 1 banana.

Dinner. Mashed vegetables with potatoes + 2 eggs and 2 slices of turkey + 2 tablespoons of olive oil + 1 skimmed yogurt.


Breakfast. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 2 toasted whole wheat bread + 40g burgos cheese + 1 kiwi.

Midmorning. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 4 tablespoons of cereals + a handful of nuts + 1 orange.

Food. Tomato salad + 40g (raw) of brown rice + medium chicken or turkey fillet (150g) + ½ avocado + 1 piece of fruit.

Snack. 1 skimmed yogurt + 2 tablespoons of cereals + 1 glass of natural juice.

Dinner. 50 g of sauteed vegetables + a small piece of whole wheat bread + a slice of hake + 2 tablespoons of olive oil + 1 skimmed yogurt.


Breakfast. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 5 whole-grain cookies + 8–9 strawberries.

Midmorning. 1 skimmed yogurt + a small piece of whole wheat bread + 2 slices of turkey + 1 apple.

Food. 50 g of sauteed vegetables + 40g (raw) of legumes and 2 eggs + a handful of nuts + 2 tablespoons of olive oil + 1 piece of fruit.

Snack. ½ glass of milk + 1 tablespoon of honey + 1 banana.

Dinner. 50g of green beans + 30g (raw) of pasta + slices of Iberian ham (30g) + 8–10 medium prawns + 1 skimmed yogurt.


Breakfast. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 80g of bread + 2 slices of turkey + 1 kiwi.

Midmorning. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 4 tablespoons of cereals + a handful of nuts + 1 orange.

Food. Mashed vegetables with potatoes + a medium slice of blue fish + 2 tablespoons of olive oil + 1 piece of fruit.

Snack. 1 skimmed yogurt + 2 tablespoons of cereals + 1 glass of natural juice.

Dinner. 50g grilled zucchini + a small piece of whole wheat bread + medium chicken or turkey fillet (150g) + 2 tablespoons olive oil + 1 skimmed yogurt.


Breakfast. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 8 tablespoons of oatmeal + a handful of nuts + 8–9 strawberries.

Midmorning. 1 skimmed yogurt + a small piece of whole wheat bread + 2 slices of turkey + 1 apple.

Food. ½ plate of salad + 40g (raw) whole-grain pasta + medium beef steak or ox (150 g.) + A handful of olives + 1 piece of fruit.

Snack. 30g of burgos cheese + 1 tablespoon of honey + 1 banana.

Dinner. 50g of sautéed vegetables + slice of white fish + 2 tablespoons of olive oil + 1 skimmed yogurt.


Breakfast. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 8 tablespoons of oatmeal + a handful of nuts + 1 kiwi.

Midmorning. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 4 tablespoons of cereals + 1 handful of nuts + 1 orange.

Food. 50g of cooked vegetables + 40g (raw) of legumes + slice of white fish + 2 tablespoons of olive oil + 1 piece of fruit.

Snack. 1 skimmed yogurt + 2 tablespoons of cereals + 1 glass of natural juice.

Dinner. 50g chard + 2 medium potatoes + 2 scrambled eggs + a handful of nuts + 1 skimmed yogurt.


Breakfast. Coffee with ½ glass of milk + 8 tablespoons of cereals + 1 handful of nuts + 8–9 strawberries.

Midmorning. 1 skimmed yogurt + a small piece of whole wheat bread + 2 slices of turkey + 1 apple.

Food. Vegetable lasagna + medium chicken or turkey fillet (150g) + 2 tablespoons olive oil + 1 piece of fruit.

Snack. ½ glass of milk + 2 tablespoons of oatmeal + 1 banana.

Dinner. 50g sautéed vegetables + 1 pea saucepan + 1 potato + 150g sardines + 1 skimmed yogurt.


Selena is a blogger and a guest contributor for a well-known brand that includes MESHEBLE & INTHEMARKET. In her leisure time, she plays tennis.



Selena Richard

I am a Fashion Blogger who loves to write about Fashion trends.